Texas Circle P Ranch is home to Circle P Pinzgauers and started by Ken and Kim
Paul and their daughter Melissa Dawnn Paul. The day to day activities are handled by the family and they travel to many parts of the country showing and promoting Pinzgauer cattle. Ken is President of the Southwest Pinzgauer Association which includes
Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana
. Kim is Secretary / Treasurer of the Southwest Pinzgauer Association. Melissa is in her first year at
Texas A & M University
School of
Veterinary Medicine, and a graduate of Texas A&M with a degree in
Animal Science. She is a member of the board for the Southwest Pinzgauer Junior Association. When Melissa was younger she showed Pinzgauer heifers in the TCCA (Texas Club Calf Association) and won a buckle for high points in the Pinzgauer breed two years in a row. The Pauls enjoy helping young people with acquiring and showing Pinzgauer heifers and steers.
ircle P Pinzgauers is the fastest growing Pinzgauer seed stock breeder in the United States by starting with some of the best bloodlines in the country, horned and polled, improving the breed as they go. Using semen from past foundation bulls and embryos from Canada adding to the versatility of their herd along with herd sires with the proper traits, their calves are impressing people from around the country. As stated by judge Alex Dees of Yuma, Arizona at the National Pinzgauer Show at the State Fair of Texas in Dallas in September 2006, “I am very impressed with the cattle shown today as to their conformation and development as compared to the National Show I judged in 1996”. This work, together with the genetic traits of the Pinzgauer breed make them enjoyable as well as profitable.
Texas Circle P Ranch is located in beautiful
, Texas, a short distance from Texas A&M University. This gives the Paul family access to more animal science technology than any place in the country. Centrally located in Texas makes access for Texas buyers a short drive. Shipping can be arranged for any part of the country. Cattle have been sold to buyers at the four corners of the country…..California, Florida, Maine, Washington State…..and all states in between.
Their business plan and enjoyment is to produce top quality Pinzgauer cattle from a select herd of animals, many of which were winning show cattle themselves and to market animals to fullblood and purebred cattle producers to better their herd and to commercial cattlemen to better their production.